How We Help
As Speech Pathologists, we assess and treat children and adults with communication difficulties and support them to be the best and most effective communicators that they can be. We believe that everyone deserves to understand and be understood.
Delayed Talkers
Is your child achieving their communication milestones and using words appropriately for their age?
Preschool and School-Aged Language
Does your child have difficulty with using words or sentences, following instructions and/or telling you their needs and wants?
Speech Sounds
Do you or anyone else have difficulty understanding what your child is saying? Does your child have trouble saying certain sounds?
Literacy (Reading, Spelling and Writing)
Is your child having difficulty with sounding out words to read or spell them or not understanding what they have just read?
Social Communication and Pragmatics (Social Skills)
Is your child having difficulty with making friends, identifying and relating to emotions or not playing with their peers?
Does your child get stuck when they’re talking or repeat words/sounds/syllables?
Adult Speech
Professional Communication Skills
Do you feel as if you need support with professional writing or communication (e.g. CV, resume, writing professional letters/emails, interviews, etc)?
Auditory Processing