Our Services

  • Clinic

    We offer clinic-based appointments for children and their families in our comfortable and modern clinic space. Our clinic is also conveniently located on the ground floor.

  • Speech therapy, telehealth, internet


    Telehealth Speech Pathology sessions enable families and Clients to participate in Speech Therapy from the comfort of your home. Telehealth is great for families who are busy, isolating, or who prefer not to travel to the clinic. We use Zoom to administer online therapy sessions.

  • Home, Preschool or School Visits

    Collaboration between educators and other professionals involved in a Client’s care is important and valuable. It is crucial that Clients, who may not be able to attend in-clinic sessions, are able to access therapy in their daily learning environments.

  • Parent/Preschool Education Talks

    We know that parents and educators are always looking for more information to support their children and students. We offer parent and educator education talks and evenings to support you.